Hidden Hearth 2025 October 10th -12th - Click here to buy your SUPER early bird ticket which are on sale until 1st December

Iniigoos Mckay

My name is Iniigoos Mckay and I’m fifty eight. I’m Anishanawbe from Manitoba province, Canada. The buffalo lodge was transferred to me by the elders and leaders of that society.

I’ve been attending the Buffalo Lodge since I was 39, once a week, on my fifth year of going once a week I was allowed to run one round, on my sixth year of dancing I was transferred the lodge. I ran my lodge once a week up until I started to travel throughout Europe and parts of South America.

I carry a medicine pipe earned at the Sundance. I’m Anishanawbe and have sundanced with the Blackfoot, shuswap and statliumx nations

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